

Click on a number. Read the clue. Type in a word. Click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, click on "Hint" to get a free letter.
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  3         4   
8       9     10    


3. A doctor works in a ___.
6. The ___ look for missing persons.
9. You can ___ your family, friends, and your doctor.
11. Many people get ___ and die.
12. You will ___ if the doctor doesn't fix your cancer. Your life will end.


1. Some people trust only ___. They pray to Him.
2. My TV is broken. Can someone ___ it?
4. Cancer will shorten your ___. You will die early.
5. A ___ can fix cancer sometimes.
7. A. Did you ___ your money with you? B. Yes, I brought it.
8. If you're ___, you won't get cancer. If you're un___, you will get cancer.
10. God ___s many lives. Doctors ___ lives too.