

Click on a number. Read the clue. Type in a word. Click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, click on "Hint" to get a free letter.
   1   2         3    
 4           5     
      7     8      
 9   10             
13        14         


1. Most houses have a ___ door and a back door.
5. A ___ keeps your head warm.
6. A. Are you ___ to go? B. Yes, I'm ___. Let's go.
8. ___ your shoes on. Then ___ your hat on.
9. My house has three ___s and two bathrooms.
11. She put her ___s on. Then she put her shoes on.
12. Wait a ___. I'll be there in a ___.
13. People wear ___s for walking and running. They are comfortable shoes.


2. A horse ___ rides horses.
3. Please ___ for me. I'm not ready yet.
4. Did she ___ her hat with her hand?
7. People ride ___s. People don't ride cows or pigs.
8. ___ is a pretty color. Many girls wear ___ clothes.
10. She was ___ because she was going to ride her horse.
14. Do you know how to ___ a horse?