

Click on a number. Read the clue. Type in a word. Click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, click on "Hint" to get a free letter.
5        6    7   
9       10      


2. You drink ___ and wash with ___.
3. Use water and ___ to wash your hands.
4. ___ a towel to dry your hands.
8. Will a paper ___ dry your hands?
9. You have two feet and two ___s.
10. ___ water cleans better than cold water.


1. Don't ___ washing until your hands are clean.
3. She washes her hands for 30 ___s.
5. After you ___ your hands, dry them.
6. Can germs live on ___ hands?
7. ___s are very small. We cannot see them.